Random Decision Maker


The random decision maker allows you to select options randomly from your given list of available options.

Enter Options

Enter each value on a new line. Blank lines will be ignored.

Random Decision:

You have to enter some values first!

NOTE : This is just for fun, please don’t use this tool to make any major life decisions.

About Online Random Decision Maker Tool

To come up with an appropriate decision is no easy task. We, humans, tend to overthink everything even over trivial issues like what to wear, what to eat, whether to call mom or not, and the list goes on. This virtual Random Decision Maker is exactly designed to relieve you of that kind of situation where trivial issues tend to turn into crucial ones just because of lack of decision. This virtual tool will randomly nominate a decision from your provided list.


Advanced Computing Algorithm: This Random Decision Maker is developed with an advanced algorithm to construct a unique, exclusive, and unbiased result. You’ll always get a different and unbiased result with this tool.
Eternal Decision Maker: It chooses from the options that you insert in a neutral and independent method. Your days of the dilemma have finally come to an end.
Resourceful Usage: This randomizer tool can shuffle any form of text and letters. Although this does not provide image support, you can enter the alt-text to get the expected result.

How to Make Random Decisions

1. Select the box under the “Enter Options” prompt
2. Insert your listed values in the box
3. Each value must be entered on a new line (blank lines will be ignored)
4. Hit the “Pick One” button
5. There you go! You have your randomly selected value